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Venezuela Support and Outreach:

Since 1998

We have been partnered with several churches in Venezuela for over twenty years with the focus of our efforts in the cities of Barquisimeto, San Felipe, El Tocuyo, Sarare and Acarigua. This is the central zone of the country and is ripe for church planting and outreach. During the past four
years the churches have been particularly challenged as the economy has declined precipitously and simple things like food, water, electricity and now gasoline have become increasingly difficult to obtain. Jobs are difficult to find and even those working make approximately the equivalent of $1-2 per month! Through these perilous times the churches have continued to serve the people, sometimes being their main source for food to feed their families. They continue to evangelize and disciple and are still in the church planting business. You can keep up with our support there on our Facebook page as well. DONATE NOW


Deni Fholer and Isaiah 58 In His Service

Since 2017

If you ever want to meet an example of the Good Samaritan, meet Deni.  Just one reading of her monthly update will either inspire or convict you, maybe both, to do more yourself.  You can help Deni as she lives out her life for those God puts in her pathway.  The ministry provides the tangible in order to build relationships and introduce people to Jesus. That can be through paying a doctor's bill, taking a beloved pet to the vet, buying glasses or paying a bill or providing furniture, household items, toys or assistive devices to families in need. You can also get on Deni’s mailing list so you can keep up to date on the ministry and the specific needs they have.


Baptist Collegiate Ministry

Since 2005

Brandon Brister, the son of our founder and a board member, is director of the Tulsa University Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) and the city wide director.   We also support other BCM’s around the country, most of which go by different names but have the same emphasis and affiliation.  For more about BCM at TU and TCC go to


CRU, formerly Campus Crusade for Christ

Since 1997

In the modern era of campus ministries, this is the group that many others have emulated in the past 40-50 years.  Begun by Bill Bright, the ministry has expanded worldwide and now with numerous branches working with various ages and walks of life.  Our support goes to several staffers in Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Italy, Asia, North Africa, and West Africa among the French speaking people as well as several here in the U.S.  For more information see


Medical Missions Partners

Since 1997

Since this sort of ministry was the first involvement any of our board members had, it is very special to us and we know its effectiveness.  We partner with two teams in Kenya, Kyle Jones in Kapsowar and Dino Crognale in Tenwek.  Both keep us updated with their most recent activity as well as specific needs that we can respond to.  They are now working together providing residency training through In His Image from here in Tulsa.  Their needs are ongoing and both are obliged to raise their own support so any help in that area would be great.  We are also connected with the Mercy Ships and have participated in that ministry.  For more information send a request on any of these to


Transformation 10/40 Ministries in India

Since 2008

Working in Bihar, called the graveyard of missionaries, this ministry has successfully planted over 1,000 churches, in part by means of Community Relief ministries.  Included is providing water wells for over 1,335 villages, almost 600 sewing machines have been donated and 2,000 women have been trained to help their families by sewing.  They have a very ambitious Christmas Outreach each year that brings the gospel to hundreds of villages that have never heard the Good News of Jesus.  They can be reached by this link,

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Elijah 21 in Germany

Since 2017

This is an amazing ministry to the refugees in central Europe, particularly in Germany.  Using volunteers and faith funded, they provide “a night out” for refugee families who live day and day out in the stark refugee camps.  Elijah 21 offers a night with dinner and a movie for the entire family at no cost.  They provide the transportation as well.  Working with local churches and their members, they feed everyone first and then they watch one or another variant of the JESUS FILM.  They often have several languages present so they provide appropriate showings for all represented.  When the film is over they transport the people back to their camps and offer them a chance to begin a Bible Study in their individual locations.  It is a very effective means of evangelism.  For how to donate contact them on their website and take the time to watch this video.


Manna Ministries in Raipur India

Since 2011

This ministry is essentially the work of one couple, Mary and
Kishor Senapati.  Six years ago they came to the U.S. to seek support for the ministries there in India. 

While here they met Larry and Ruthann Wells, board members with First Fruits.  The orphanage they maintain was the item that caught Ruthann’s attention and she began to see if we, as a group, or another group of individuals could be a support arm for the ministry.  This has grown over the past several years and the orphanage has expanded the number of children they work with, a home has been built and land purchased for construction of a larger housing area for the children.  All of the children are in school and doing above average on their testing.  Much work and encouragement is also done with pastors who work in the slums, families who live in outlying villages, and children who are not
a part of Manna Ministries. We have several supporters who have “adopted” the ministry and are the
life blood the keeps the work going there. Donate Now


College and University Ministries

Since 2017

for First Fruits these are numerous. 


Student Mobilization (StuMo)

Since 1997

Is an initiative taking and successful ministry, particularly in the central areas of the U.S.  Beginning in Arkansas they have now grown to nine states and over twenty universities.  Their focus is evangelism and discipleship of college students with a strong emphasis on the Greek Fraternities and Sororities.  They have a very effective Mission Conference every Christmas vacation and a summer outreach and discipleship program where students work during the day, train at night and do outreach on the weekends in areas along the Florida and California coasts. For more information about StuMo go to


Jesus Film Project

Since 2006

Every board member of First Fruits has been on mission trips where the Jesus Film was used in successful evangelism.  
A division of CRU, (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) The Jesus Film Project it is now into forty years of ministry with the goal of making the Jesus Film available in every language on the planet.   They are moving toward the completion of 2000 language versions of the film, with new ones being released every month.  Millions have heard the message of the gospel,  first  through the Jesus Film and numerous other media tools the organization has developed over the years. 
As there are 2 billion illiterate souls on the planet, it is sensible that a media tool, based on the gospel of Luke, in their heart language, can easily introduce people to the person of Christ.
If you have a smartphone you can download the Jesus Film Media app and share the film with others.  Simply go to your app store and enter “Jesus Film Media” to download this powerful app.
We all meet people from other countries.  It is a joy to tell them, “I have a language from your country on my phone.” You will never be disappointed by their response when you show them a short clip from the film.
If you desire to invest in a particular part of the world and want to help purchase projection equipment or other outreach-related endeavors, you can take a look at the  The JESUS Film Project website.   


Habib and IMN

Since 1999

Vision Statement – Jesus’ Heart and Hands where the church is oppressed or under pressure. 

What We Do
iMN is a 501-c-3 not for profit organization that was founded in 1996 by a group from the Middle East and U.S. with a vision of being Christ’s Heart and Hands for his Bride in the Middle East – specifically where the church is oppressed or under all sorts of pressure. To accomplish this vision, iMN strategically works to rescue, shelter, equip, and mobilize Christians where they are restricted or behind bars. 
Hany and Suzi serve the body of Christ in Egypt as well as numerous countries where refugees have migrated.  He is a physician and provides much needed care and medical advice in the refugee camps as well as in their native Cairo, Egypt.  Trained in the U.S. with residency through In His Image in Tulsa, we became friends over 20 years ago and have visited there in the past.  Hany doesn’t practice other than on a pro bono status and is dependent on God’s provision for his ministry and family support.  As I said to him last week, “Thanks for being Jesus in skin for those you serve.”  COVID19 has been severe in Cairo and he is called on to help those in need.   

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Short-term first-time missions

Since 1997

Since all of board members have participated in this sort of outreach and helping ministries, we know such trips are life changing for those who go.  One heard the call back in 1967 while a couple began their journeys in 1977.  All told we have participated in well over 200 trips over the years.  
No doubt a great deal of good is done for those on the receiving end but we see the incredible benefit for those who feel God’s call, surrender to that call, and then “step into the water.”  It is life changing and no one can go on such a trip and not be impacted.  We know that this is one of the key areas God has called us to support.  In fact we had this in mind when we formed our “Mission Statement”.
“We will either go out for the sake of His name
or, send those who do in a manner worth of God.”
To donate for this specifically just click DONATE and specify your direction for your donation.

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Tulsa, OK 

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Registered Charity Number : 73-1531667

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